Pokemon Purple – Tips

Top Tips During the Game
Train balanced POKEMONs
Always look for hidden items on routes using ITEMFINDER
Challenging 1st league between lvs 60 to 65
Grana Tip: Rematch with ROLE CARLOS coaches
Training Tip: Rematch with ROUTE GILSO coaches
Have the item “AMULET COIN”, earned by your mother after winning the 5th insignia

“Treinar POKEMONs equilibrados
Sempre procure itens escondidos nas rotas, utilizando o ITEMFINDER
Desafiar a 1° liga entre os lvs 60 a 65
Dica de Grana: Revanche com os treinadores da ROTA CARLOS
Dica de Treino: Revanche com os treinadores da ROTA GILSO
Tenha o item “AMULET COIN”, ganho pela sua mãe após ganhar a 5° insignia”