Pokemon Blue Stars 4 Cheat Codes

Pokemon Blue Stars 4 is a GBA ROM Hack and based on Pokemon Fire Red by Jean Stars. It’s version 4 in the Pokemon Blue Stars Series. The game has a story about Team Cosmic, Mewtwo in a new region. It has Multi-Language in game, and you can choose Brazilian Portuguese, English, and Spanish language to play. It has PokeStop, Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, Dynamax, Access PC, and PokeMart anywhere, Side quests, Pokemon Gen 1 to Gen 8 + Hisui, and more… It’s complete and you can choose Brazilian Portuguese, English, and Spanish when you play this game. Pokemon Blue Stars 4 Cheat Codes will list all cheat codes such as rare candy, star coin, max candy, master ball, wall through walls and more…

Warning before using Pokemon Blue Stars 4 Cheat Codes

The decision of whether or not to use cheat codes is up to you. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and consequences before doing so.

List Pokemon Blue Stars 4 Cheat Codes

Walk Through Walls
Gameshark v3/Action Replay
509197D3 542975F4
78DA95DF 44018CB4


This is a special code that must be activate when using many of the CodeBreaker cheat
codes for Pokemon Blue Stars 4.

83005000 61A1
83005002 0A35

The Instructions to use this code are as follows:

  1. Activate the RNG code along with any other code that requires its use.
  2. Load your saved game. I recommend you skip the ‘Recent Events’ section
  3. Look at your Trainer Card (first screen only). THEN PRESS B TO RETURN!
    When back on the Main Menu, press B again to close it. If you press the A
    button to return to the Main Menu, YOUR GAME MAY CRASH!!! Always use B to
    return to the Main Menu. (NOTE: If you skip this step the codes won’t work.)
  4. Press the button combination for the code you want to use.
  5. Check it has worked, then SAVE your game and RESET!


Infinite Money: (Button Combination B + START)
74000130 03F5
820257BC 423F
74000130 03F5
820257BE 000F

ITEM MODIFYER CODES (Button Combination B + UP)

Once activated, go to your PC and withdraw the Item you selected. Once done,
Save your game and then reset it without the codes active. I reccomend you
activate this code while standing near a PC, just to be quick and efficient.

This gives you 99 of the Rare Candy that is stored in the first slot of your PC.
74000130 03BD
820257C4 0044
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063

This gives you 99 of the Max Candy that is stored in the first slot of your PC.
74000130 03BD
820257C4 0048
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063

This gives you 99 of the Master Ball that is stored in the first slot of your PC.
74000130 03BD
820257C4 0001
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063

This gives you 99 of the Full Restore that is stored in the first slot of your PC.
74000130 03BD
820257C4 0013
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063

This gives you 99 of the Max Revive that is stored in the first slot of your PC.
74000130 03BD
820257C4 0019
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063

This gives you 99 of the Max Ether that is stored in the first slot of your PC.
74000130 03BD
820257C4 0023
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063

This gives you 99 of the PP Max that is stored in the first slot of your PC.
74000130 03BD
820257C4 0047
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063

This gives you 99 of the Sun Stone that is stored in the first slot of your PC.
74000130 03BD
820257C4 005D
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063

This gives you 99 of the Moon Stone that is stored in the first slot of your PC.
74000130 03BD
820257C4 005E
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063

This gives you 99 of the Fire Stone that is stored in the first slot of your PC.
74000130 03BD
820257C4 005F
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063

This gives you 99 of the Thunder Stone that is stored in the first slot of your PC.
74000130 03BD
820257C4 0060
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063

This gives you 99 of the Water Stone that is stored in the first slot of your PC.
74000130 03BD
820257C4 0061
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063

This gives you 99 of the Leaf Stone that is stored in the first slot of your PC.
74000130 03BD
820257C4 0062
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063

This gives you 99 of the Star Coin that is stored in the first slot of your PC.
74000130 03BD
820257C4 006D
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063

This gives you 99 of the Heart Scale that is stored in the first slot of your PC.
74000130 03BD
820257C4 006F
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063

Warp to Home (Generated by Guidetonote):
82031DBC 0004

Conclusion of Pokemon Blue Stars 4 Cheat

Here is the end of Pokemon Blue Stars 4 Cheat Codes. If you need more cheat codes for other version, you can find all at All Posts.