Resident Evil Revelations Cheat Codes (3DS Game)

A haunting silence hangs heavy over the abandoned cruise ship, the Queen Zenobia. Jill Valentine and Parker Luciani, BSAA agents on a seemingly routine mission, find themselves trapped in a nightmare. Grotesque, flesh-hungry figures stalk the rusting corridors, remnants of a sinister experiment gone wrong. The once luxurious vessel now reeks of decay and death. Jill, a seasoned veteran of biohazard threats, draws her weapon, the familiar weight a source of comfort amidst the creeping dread. Resident Evil Revelations Cheat Codes will list all cheat codes for EUR and USA Versions.

Partnering with Parker, a rookie with more enthusiasm than experience, they must unravel the horrifying truth behind the outbreak and fight for survival. As they delve deeper into the ship’s labyrinthine interior, they uncover disturbing logs and cryptic messages hinting at a twisted conspiracy. Limited ammo and claustrophobic environments force them to strategize each encounter, utilizing the environment and their unique skills to stay alive. Can Jill and Parker expose the darkness at the heart of the Queen Zenobia, or will they become another victim of the ship’s gruesome secret?

Cheat Code for Resident Evil Revelations EUR Version

[Infinite Ammo]
4852FEF8 08000000
3852FEF8 09000000
B852FEF8 00000000
40000E40 08000000
30000E40 09000000
B0000E40 00000000
40000030 08000000
30000030 09000000
B0000030 00000000
90000DB6 000000AA
10000DC4 000003E7
D2000000 00000000

[Infinite HP]
4852FEF8 08000000
3852FEF8 09000000
B852FEF8 00000000
90000002 000000A7
50000C90 00000001
D9000000 00000CA0
D6000000 00000C98
D2000000 00000000

Cheat Code for Resident Evil Revelations USA Version

[999.999 BP]
D3000000 08000000
00655280 000F423F

[Infinite HP]
4852FEF8 08000000
3852FEF8 09000000
B852FEF8 00000000
90000002 000000A7
50000C90 00000001
D9000000 00000CA0
D6000000 00000C98
D2000000 00000000

[Infinite Ammo]
4852FEF8 08000000
3852FEF8 09000000
B852FEF8 00000000
40000E40 08000000
30000E40 09000000
B0000E40 00000000
40000030 08000000
30000030 09000000
B0000030 00000000
90000DB6 000000AA
10000DC4 000003E7
D2000000 00000000


Here is the end of Resident Evil Revelations Cheat Codes article. If you want to find more cheat codes, documentations, you can find more at All Posts.